// Title: Pong Name: PONG First version: February-ish 1997 Version: v3.2 (May 3, 1998) Author: Bungeman (Ben Wagner) Email: bungeman@juno.com Webpage: http://members.tripod.com/~bungeman/casio Model: 9850, 9950 Description: My third try at a cool game. This is the only truly graphical pong that I've seen. You are in control of a real horizontal(!) line(!!). The puck is three pxls wide. You can play two player or against the computer. (Can be very hard!!! But it can be beat.) The program has internal play instructions and a menu system, so try it out!!! // 0->C AxesOff ViewWindow 1, 127, 5, 63, 1, 5 StoV-Win 1 F-Line 11,5,47,5 F-Line 80,5,116,5 Orange F-Line 11,4,47,4 Orange F-Line 80,4,116,4 Green F-Line 11,3,47,3 Green F-Line 80,3,116,3 Text 2,50,"P O N G" Text 45,5,"PLAY COMPUTER OR HUMAN?" 0->A:Prog "~MENU" Green Text 58,2,"COMP" Prog "~MENU" Green Text 58,24,"HUM" PxlOff 1,127 Do Getkey->K LpWhile K<>79 And K<>69 K=79=>1->C 100->Z:45->I Prog "~CLR" Text 45,5,"PLAY TO:" 2->A:Prog "~MENU" Green Text 58,2," 3 " Green Text 58,24," 7 " Green TExt 58,50,"21" PxlOff 1,127 Do Getkey->K LpWhile K<>79 And K<>69 And K<>59 K=79=>3->L K=69=>7->L K=59=>21->L Text 45,5,"WOULD YOU LIKE INSTRUCTIONS?" 12->A:Prog "~MENU" Green Text 58,5,"NO" Green Text 58,25,"YES" PxlOff 1,127 Do Getkey->K LpWhile K<>79 And K<>69 45->I:Prog "~CLR" 10->A:Prog "~MENU" Prog "~MENU" If K=69 Then Orange Text 10,2,"Orange (BOTTOM) PLAYER USES" Orange Text 17,2,"< , > , And [fraction symbol] To MOVE." If C=0 Then "Green (TOP) PLAYER USES" Green Text 32,2,"0, ., And EXP." IfEnd Text 40,2,"F1-PAUSE/UNPAUSE" Text 47,2,"F2-EXITS" Text 57,2,"PRESS ANY KEY..." PxlOff 1,127 Do Getkey->K LpWhile K=0 111->Z For 8->I To 58 Step 5 Prog "~CLR" Next IfEnd Green F-Line 65,12,85,12 Orange F-Line 65,62,85,62 PxlOff 1,127 65->U:65->D 5->G:6->H 56->M:M->R 13->N:N->S 0->P:0->Q:1->W Do Getkey->K If C Then ((M>(U=10)) And (T<1))=>1->T ((M<(U+10)) And (T>-1))+>-1->T IfEnd If K>1 Then K=38=>-1->B K=27=>1->B K=37=>0->B K=69=>Stop If C=0 Then K=71=>-1->T K=51=>1->T K=61=>0->T IfEnd IfEnd If (T=-1) And (U>1) Then U-8->U Green Text 12,U+21," " Green F-Line U,12,U+8,12 IfEnd If (T=1) And (U<100) Then Green Text 12,U," " Green F-Line U+20,12,U+28,12 U+8->U IfEnd If (B=-1) And (D>1) Then D-8->D Orange Text 58,D+21," " Orange F-Line D,62,D+8,62 IfEnd If (B=1) And (D<100) Then Orange Text 58,D," " Orange F-Line D+20,62,D+28,62 D+8->D IfEnd If (N=13) And (M>U) And (M-10))=>G-2->G ((M>U+12) And (G<10))=>G+2->G -H->H IfEnd If (N=61) And (M>D) And (M-10))=>G-2->G ((M>D+12) And (G<10))=>G+2->G -H->H IfEnd ((M+G<2) Or (M+G>125))=>-G->G Blue Text N-4,M-1," " Int(R+G)->M:Int(S+H)->N M->R:N->S If N<13 Then P+1->P Orange Text 2,119,P 10(Int (D/10))+Int (4Ran#)+10->M 57->N M->R:N->S 5->G:-6->H:1->W IfEnd If N>61 Then Q+1->Q Green Text 2,1,Q 10(Int (U/10))+Int (4Ran#)+10->M 17->N M->R:N->S 5->G:6->H:1->W IfEnd Blue F-Line M-1,N,M+1,N If (W=1) Or (K=79) Then Text 2,50," PAUSE " PxlOff 1,127 Do Getkey->K LpWhile K=79 Do Getkey->K LpWhile K<>79 Do GetKey->K LpWhile K=79 Text 2,50,"P O N G" 0->W IfEnd LpWhile (P